"Treat others the way you want to be treated." The old adage has been running through my head a great deal as of late. All of us have heard this quote, time and again, from our parents and teachers--mostly as a warning not to be "ugly" to our friends and other students. However, I think it's something that should definitely be held onto into adulthood.
Why build bonds with people if they cannot count on you, and vice versa. I've always been one to expect the same considerations--I give, from friends and colleagues; but that is not always the case. MOST of the time. And to me, that is sad. It's too much a waste of my time to get angry. I realize how people are and then just move on. But, I always ask myself. Then why is this person my friend?
Everyone has friends for different walks of life. The friend you vent to, the friend that won't judge you no matter what you tell them, your work wife/husband, the friend you get drunk with, the friend you make go to awkward family outings with you, etc. But, I would hope that these friends would treat you the way you treat them.
With our crazy lives it's hard enough to maintain a real relationship with someone. We get caught up in the everyday hustle. But we all hope to be able to count on our friends when we need them. And ladies and gentlemen, that is not necessary always the outcome.
I'm not saying go out of your way to do things for people. Or be extra nice if that's not your personality. But, next time someone asks something of you, or you're in a situation where you can help. Definitely, take a second to think about it. Perhaps it really won't "put you out". Consider the reaction you would want/expect if you were the one asking. How would you want the person to respond to your request?
Has this happened to your recently? What did you do in order to fix it? Did you say anything? Reconsider the friendship?